We are Expecting a Political Circus

United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) explained why he was seeking a speedy impeachment trial: to avoid a political circus. He didn’t want to dive in further on the technicalities of the impeachment articles, charging the president of Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

But no matter what happens, he can’t avoid a political circus.

Washington D.C. is a hyperpartisan environment. Republicans and Democrats certainly will trade jabs among each other, in private and in media interviews. They will challenge each other’s credibility, reaching arguments that are not originally part of the subject.

One thing they can’t do during the trial is to debate toxically because the rules prohibit them to do so. They can only signal their manifestations on key votes, like in determining the witnesses or the time frame of the trial.

The political circus that Americans will be watching features a wide range of misleading statements, from debunked conspiracy theories to preposterous accusations. The president will surely interfere the senators as they debate the merits of the accusations because he wants to be the protagonist of the newspapers’ banner headlines.

Social media will also be part of the political circus. Politicians will tweet horrendous claims without presenting any evidence; trolls will join the quagmire; the media will join the conversation in accordance with their political leanings; and other “analysts” will put the cherry on top.

The political circus is expected, but America should have never been dragged to this new low in their politics.

The Senate Majority Leader surely understands that a shortened trial will not zip the mouths of his colleagues. Such time frame will only lead to more conversations that will make the situation worse.

Why can’t the Senate replicate the rules of the Clinton Senate Trial in 1999? Think about it.

In the words of Howard Beale from the 1976 film “Network,” the American people are “mad as hell” and they “can’t take it anymore.” They are fed up of the shenanigans. They expect a Senate that is impartial. Instead, they see the opposite. They expect a Senate that is intellectual. Instead, they see the opposite.

The political circus is expected, but America should have never been dragged to this new low in their politics.

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